Sammamish Review: Issaquah school officials offer information on planned construction
Sammamish Review: Issaquah school officials offer information on planned construction
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Issaquah, Sammamish councils support school district bond
The Issaquah Press: Issaquah, Sammamish Councils Support School District Bond Issaquah and Sammamish leaders agreed last week to support the $219 million bond the Issaquah School District plans to put before voters April 17. The measure is meant to generate dollars to rebuild Clark and Sunny Hills elementary schools and Issaquah Middle School, modernize Liberty…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Issaquah, Sammamish councils support school district bond
Issaquah Press: Issaquah, Sammamish councils support school district bond
Read MoreEd Laine – Personal Endorsement
From: Ed Laine As Treasurer for the Skyline Youth Football Association, and a 20 year resident of Sammamish, I would like to personally endorse this Proposition as it serves the community as a whole, and continues to keep the Issaquah School District in position at the head of the line when competing for students, faculty…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Backers promise big campaign for $219 million school bond
The Issaquah Press: Backers promise big campaign for $219 million school bond
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: School bond campaign seeks success with YouTube song
The Issaquah Press: School bond campaign seeks success with YouTube song
Read MoreKOMO News: Issaquah parents enlist Broadway legend to help ‘get out the vote’
KOMO News: Issaquah parents enlist Broadway legend to help ‘get out the vote’
Read MoreCity of Sammamish Support Resolution
City of Sammamish Support Resolution
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: City Council Could Support Issaquah School District Bond
The Issaquah Press: City Council Could Support Issaquah School District Bond
Read MoreReasons to Support the Bond
1) This bond allows us to be prudent and fiscally responsible with our maintenance and repairs so we don’t use operations dollars that could go directly to the classroom. For instance, if a school boiler fails, the replacement is at least $500,000, equivalent to six teaching positions. If no bond funds are available, classroom operations…
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