Issaquah & Sammamish Reporter: The Issaquah School District’s bond good for students and taxpayers
Issaquah & Sammamish Reporter: The Issaquah School District’s bond good for students and taxpayers The Issaquah School District is asking voters to give it $219 million on April 17 to rebuild its oldest schools and make improvements and modernizations at many others. The money is needed and voters should say yes to this bond issue.…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: Edana Peacock
By now registered voters should have received their ballots for the special Issaquah School District bond election and we are being asked to decide one thing: whether or not to help bridge the huge gap left by inadequate state funding of education. Although the $219 million bond package might seem big, the truth is our…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: Jody Mull
On April 17, we as an Issaquah School District community will be asked to vote on a $219 million dollar school construction and maintenance bond. This bond benefits everyone in our community from the finishing of Liberty High School’s remodel, to a new stadium at Skyline High School, to three brand new schools and also…
Read MoreThe Sammamish Review: Issaquah voters to decide on bond package next month
The Sammamish Review: Issaquah voters to decide on bond package next month Voting by mail in the weeks leading up to April 17, roughly 58,000 registered voters in the Issaquah School District will have the chance to decide whether the schools can sell $219 million in bonds to pay for major renovation and maintenance projects…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Volunteers ready big push to promote $219 million school bond
The Issaquah Press: Volunteers ready big push to promote $219 million school bond At a kick-off in early February, the coming push for passage of a $219 million bond issue was advertised as being possibly the largest campaign ever mounted in the name of the Issaquah School District. With the April 17 deadline for voting…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Issaquah School District outlines school plans to public
The Issaquah Press: Issaquah School District outlines school plans to public About a dozen people showed up in the gym of Issaquah Middle School the evening of March 8 for a presentation regarding the possible future of at least three Issaquah School District facilities. The topic was the possible relocation and reconstruction of IMS, Tiger…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Bond includes dollars for relocating, rebuilding schools
The Issaquah Press: Bond includes dollars for relocating, rebuilding schools Of the total $219 million bond package proposed by the Issaquah School District, four projects account for roughly half of those dollars. If district voters approve the issue in a special election April 17, plans call for rebuilding the district’s three oldest schools, Clark and…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: $219 million school bond could pick up tab for carpet, construction
The Issaquah Press: $219 million school bond could pick up tab for carpet, construction
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Issaquah School District property tax rates should fall
The Issaquah Press: Issaquah School District property tax rates should fall
Read MoreSkyline Youth Football Association Endorsement
SYFA Endorses 2012 Construction and Maintenance Bond Measure: The Board of Skyline Youth Football Association (SYFA) endorses the 2012 Issaquah School District Construction and Maintenance Bond and will encourage the parents and guardians of its participants to vote “yes”. SYFA is a non-profit youth football association in Sammamish, Washington. Each year, SYFA gives kids living in…
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