Letter to the Editor: Barbara de Michele
Vote yes to maintain investment in schools Voters will soon receive mail-in ballots for the Issaquah School District bond election. If you’re a senior citizen like me, you might be asking yourself why you should support this bond measure. Here are a few reasons that I hope will move you to vote yes. You already…
Read MoreSammamish Review: Relocating, rebuilding schools is part of Issaquah bond
Sammamish Review: Relocating, rebuilding schools is part of Issaquah bond Four projects account for roughly half of the $219 million bond package proposed by the Issaquah School District. If district voters approve the issue in a special election April 17, plans call for rebuilding the district’s three oldest schools, Clark and Sunny Hills elementary schools,…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: Hamilton McCulloh
Vote YES for our Schools I was invited to join dozens in our community last fall to serve on the Issaquah School District’s Capital Bond Feasibility & Development Committee. I was the representative for Sunset Elementary. I am glad I accepted the invitation as it provided me with insight into the years of thoughtful decision…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: School renovation is another priority for $219 million bond
The Issaquah Press: School renovation is another priority for $219 million bond For Liberty High School, passage of the April 17 Issaquah School District bond would mean completion of the reconstruction and modernization plan now under way thanks to a 2006 voter-approved bond. At the same time, Apollo and Issaquah Valley elementary schools would receive…
Read MoreThe Issaquah Press: Smaller maintenance projects form big part of school bond
The Issaquah Press: Smaller maintenance projects form big part of school bond As voters get closer to deciding whether to OK a $219 million bond issue to benefit the Issaquah School District, big projects such as the rebuilding of the so-called corridor schools are getting plenty of attention. The corridor schools are Issaquah Middle, Clark…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: Tola Marts
Occasionally parents and residents come to me with questions about the school district, unaware that the district and the city are two entirely separate governmental entities. But their confusion is completely understandable. More than any other city I know, the success of the city of Issaquah is tied to the success of the Issaquah School…
Read MoreOnly Four Weeks Until Election Day!!
Supportive Editorial in Issaquah Sammamish Reporter Read the editorial titled The Issaquah School District’s Bond Good for Students and Taxpayers at www.issaquahreporter.com/opinion/142843775.html King County Online Voter Registration Deadline is Today, March 19 You can register online at www.kingcounty.gov/elections/registration.aspx Yard Signs If you’re having trouble finding the right spots for your yard signs, please contact Suzanne Weaver atsgweav@comcast.net. It’s…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: Tom Odell, Mayor, City of Sammamish
There will be an election on April 17th that will be of the highest importance to many living in the City of Sammamish and for all who live in the Issaquah School District. A primary issue is the school construction and maintenance bond for the Issaquah schools. It is important to note that this is…
Read MoreLetter to the Editor: John Galluzzo
It’s time for the Issaquah school district Construction and maintenance Bond vote coming up on April 17th, 2012. After reviewing the Bond request, I can only describe the School Districts request this way: Thoughtful review of necessary improvements across the district balanced with Fiscal Responsibility. Here is why I feel that way. In short, the…
Read MoreIssaquah & Sammamish Reporter: Bond would rebuild Issaquah’s oldest schoolhouses
Issaquah & Sammamish Reporter: Bond would rebuild Issaquah’s oldest schoolhouses A waterfall of rain pours down on Sunny Hills Elementary, slops over the gutters and splashes onto its outdoor walkways. Sidestepping one of many puddles, Principal Sarah White flips up her hood and heads for the 11 portables that make up much of her campus.…
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