Levy Resolution and Property Acquisition Discussion at School Board meeting Nov. 8, 2017
ISD School Board meeting Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017 at 7:00pm 565 NW Holly Street, Issaquah, WA 98027 7:15 PM Public Input on items not already scheduled for discussion on the agenda. Public Input.pdf 7:45PM Resolutions 1107, 1108, and 1109 regarding the Sale of the Volpe Properties – Board The Board will consider three…
Read MoreVideo of Council Meeting re: Zoning
The issue of zoning at the meeting begins at 1:24:30
Read MoreCommunity Members – Sept 5th Call to Action
Attention Community Members…. Could you please share the information below with your school community, parents, HOAs and friends about this important Issaquah City Council Meeting regarding rezoning for building schools. Your help is TRULY appreciated to get this information out to our community! Download this Sept5-mtg-VIS notice to share Share this info via Facebook with this…
Read MoreCommunity Mtg Review Aug 25
The Issaquah School District held a community meeting at Grand Ridge Elementary on Thursday, August 24 regarding a future school site in the Issaquah Highlands, and also gave updates on the 2016 Bond. Deatils of the meetings can be found on the District website HERE: https://issaquah.wednet.edu/news-details/2017/08/25/community-meeting-review-documents-and-tools?utm_content=bufferb4c0e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Below is the information you’ll find there. Tools from…
Read MoreGibson Ek Grand Opening
The community is invited to celebrate the grand opening of Gibson Ek High School, Issaquah School District’s new choice high school. The ribbon cutting event, featuring the Mayor and King and Queen of Issaquah will take place at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 13 at 400 1st Avenue, Issaquah, WA. For more information about Gibson Ek…
Read MoreBond passes!! Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped us pass this bond!! These are the first results as of 8:15pm, Tues. April 26, 2016
Read MoreSchool District Growth
Issaquah School Bond – Growth and Building Our District has grown by nearly 5,000 students in the last ten years and is projected to grow an additional 1,500 to 2,000 students in the next five years. This chart shows how the ratio of students to school buildings has increased. More facilities are needed to meet…
Read MoreSeptember 22 is National Voter Registration Day
Have you recently moved or turned 18? Never registered to vote before? Register to vote today. Encourage others who are eligible to vote to register also. September 22 is National Voter Registration Day. With so many important issues and elections, we want to help everyone eligible to vote to get registered. King County Voter Registration…
Read MoreState Court fines Washington State Legislature $100,000 a day over education funding
In its original court ruling, and repeated in later follow-up rulings, the justices have told the Washington State Legislature to find a way to pay for the reforms and programs they had already adopted, including all-day kindergarten, smaller class sizes, student transportation, pay for school employees and classroom supplies, and to fix the state’s over…
Read MoreSeattle Times Editorial: Voters should support school-construction projects
Seattle Times Editorial Voters should support school-construction projects King County voters should approve school construction tax requests in the Mercer Island, Issaquah and Renton school districts. VOTERS should say yes to school-construction bond requests from three King County school districts. Rebuilding aging schools supports learning every bit as much as buying textbooks or hiring a…
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