April 16 Bond Advisory Committee: Discuss Possible Bond Packages


On April 16, the Bond Advisory Committee had its seventh meeting, and spent time discussing three possible scenarios as a starting point for a potential bond package in November. District administrators also gathered committee members’ feedback about what projects they think should be included in or excluded from the possible bond package.

The volunteer committee members are being asked to evaluate facility needs and cost data through active engagement to provide an informed proposal to the superintendent, who will then craft a recommendation to the School Board for consideration.

Last week’s discussion started with district staff sharing what was included in each possible package, including projected costs. Then committee members worked in their table groups to discuss what should be prioritized and shared out their thoughts with the full committee.

The recommended projects are based on a thorough review of district buildings and facilities conducted by consultants. Some examples of categories of work being considered include:

  • Safety and security.
  • Special Services, equity, and inclusion.
  • Athletics and Activities, possibly including a partnership with the city to expand the Julius Boehm Pool.
  • Early learning space in the south end of the district.
  • Innovative spaces and Career and Technical Education pathways and opportunities.
  • Next new high school.
  • Clean Buildings Act requirements.
  • Building modernization.