Who is VIS?
Volunteers for Issaquah Schools (VIS) was formed in 1977 by individual community members as a Non- Profit 501(c)4 organization that works to promote passage of Issaquah School District bond and levy issues. We are run entirely by community volunteers.
It is important to get information out to all voters in our community why they should vote to approve ballot measures so we pass bonds and levies when they are up for election. We need to make sure to reach our entire community, including people who do not have students in our local schools.
Therefore, it is our organization's sole purpose to actively promote and campaign for the passage of Issaquah School District Bonds and Levies.

How does VIS reach voters?
VIS uses all means possible to reach voters in our district....posting information on social media, sending out informational mailers, holding community information nights, putting up yard signs, placing ads in publications and more! Our goal is to educate our community about upcoming ballot measures and encourage a YES vote.
VIS also works with our local schools' PTAs/PTSAs to make sure that they receive facts and information about ballot measures to share with their families and school communities.
VIS organizes a "Speaker Series" during campaigns to attend meetings in our community to share facts, information and answer questions about upcoming ballot measures.
How can you help?
Be an advocate for public education within the Issaquah Schools community. In addition to making an important financial contribution, opportunities exist for volunteers to help with campaign strategy, voter registration, mailings, yard signs and honk & wave. You can also share information and your support for the campaigns by talking to neighbors, homeowner associations, speak at community meetings, and sharing on your social media.
Vote YES to support education. Endorse the bond or levy. Donate money to the campaign. Volunteer to help with the campaign. Talk to your friends and neighbors about the benefits of passing the bonds and levies, and ask if they are all registered to vote or help them register at King County voter registration.

How are contributions to VIS used?
Most campaign costs are related to delivering information about the ballot proposals and to increasing voter turnout. Costs include printing/postage for campaign literature, newspaper advertisements, yard signs, buttons & magnets and voter registration.
Bond & levy campaigns that are successful are supported financially by community members who understand the vital role of quality public education for the overall well-being of the community. All donations and expenditures are reported to the Public Disclosure Commission in Olympia. Records are available for inspection upon request.
Issaquah School District is one of the most fiscally responsible school districts in the country.
Issaquah School District (ISD) received the Moody’s AAA rating which is given to less than one percent of all school districts in the United States. The district has the lowest administrative costs as a percentage of our budget than any other school district in King County. ISD manages our bond & levy dollars effectively.
How Are Contributions to VIS Used?
How Can You Help?
Be an advocate for public education within the Issaquah Schools community. In addition to making an important financial contribution, opportunities exist for volunteers to help with campaign strategy, fundraising, voter registration, mailings, yard signs and honk & wave. You can also share information and your support for the campaigns by talking to neighbors, homeowner associations, speak at community meetings, and sharing on your social media.
Vote YES to support education. Endorse the bond or levy. Donate money to the campaign. Volunteer to help with the campaign. Talk to your friends and neighbors about the benefits of passing the bonds and levies, and ask if they are all registered to vote or help them register at King County voter registration.
Contact and Board Information
Volunteers for Issaquah Schools
P.O. Box 1401
Issaquah, WA 98027
Dawn Peschek - President
Alicia Veevaert - Vice President
Suzanne Weaver - Treasurer
Korista Smith-Barney - Secretary
Wright Noel - Member at large
Care Maree Harper - Member at large
Lesley Austin - Campaign Advisor